Monday, 14 March 2011

15/03/2011, Talk about Japan Earthquake 8.9, pray for them~, 09.59am


         This blogger ( above link )said about the radioactive leakage in Japan~ very interesting to read , and I admit that what he had researched with after Japan nucleus station had explosion is quite clear to read and many information found on this blog.

          After disaster, Japan estimated about from yesterday Google News at over 10,000 people have died, it's was chaos for Japanese but they still remained calm with watching the gallery from internet that they lined up to take aid of food, drinks and another aid, it was shocking another countries government and people, we shall learned from them about the tolerance and spirit of Japan~ very rare to see non-panic people after Tsunami hitting own country and earthquake in anytime. 

          My cousins who lived at Japan said that they still shaking neither Days nor Night~ very nervous when heard it~ they're safe and no hurting was the best news that I ever heard in this few days~

         Yesterday news wrote that food in Japan government was doing scanning on the food and drinks carefully because don't want to have lists of people who have affected by radiation in future, there will be a long way for them to take care own bodies from radiation~

PRAY FOR THEM, Japan showed that Japanese are strong warriors after earthquake 8.9 level. 3rd nucleus station just blast after I wrote down this post about 5 minutes~OMG to them

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