3 law of robot that you can found in internet
+1999 4th law by fuller: robot is automatically but dont let human become jobless
1) AGV automatic guide vehicle - with mekanum wheel, mobile robotic system used in factories for material handling sytem.
automous AGV doesnt need wired path, 2 degress of freedom convention wheel so on
application: hospitals for nursing, security and other applications.
2) walking robots
- walk like huma beings, uswed in military, undersea exploration
3) parallel robot
- parallel configuration, in contrast to the serial-like structure of an industrial robot.
parallel structure have 6 legs to control the moving platfrm is used as a flight simulator
for imparting training ro prospective pilots.
they can be position sensor, velocity sensor, acceleration, vision sensor
position sensor
encoder - transfer motion into digital output.
abs encoder - high accuracy
potentiometer - variable resistance device, express linear and angular displacement.
LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) -
Used to measuring linear displacement (position). A counterpart to this device that is used for measuring rotary displacement
is called a rotary variable differential transformer (RVDT). there are 1 primary coils, and 2 secondarily coils. as the
cores change it position with respect to the coils, magnetic field charge, the voltage amplitude in the secondarily coil
changes as a linear function of the core displacement over a consideration segment.
velocity sensor
half - effect sensor
acceleration sensor
using formula to calculate from velocity sensor
strain gauge
force sensor
stain gauge
piezoelectric sensor
current base sensing
external sensor
contact type - limit switch
non-contact type - proximity sensor
a) inductive sensor - sensing metallic objects
b) capacitive proximity sensor - sensing metallic and non-metalic objects
- semiconductor displacement sensor
- camera system
sensor selection
response time
type of output
size and weight
degree of freedom:
1) Chebychev–Grübler–Kutzbach criterion which is determine the degree of freedom of kinematic chain, coupling of free bodies
by means of mechanical constraints.These devices are also called linkages.
2) The Kutzbach criterion is also called the mobility formula, because it computes the number of parameters that define
the configuration of a linkage from the number of links and joints and the degree of freedom at each joint.
3) Interesting and useful linkages have been designed that violate the mobility formula by using special geometric features
and dimensions to provide more mobility than would by predicted by this formula. These devices are called overconstrained mechanisms.
- 4 bar mechanism : important concept in link mechanisms, crank, rocker, crank-rocker mechanism, doube-crank mechanism,
double-rocker mechanism. (Grashof's theorem)
>> basic nomenclature, there are 4 bars in the mechanism, (L)longest bar, (s) shortest and
(p and q) 2 of the intermediate bars.
>> grashof theorem, s+L < p + q ; s+L > p + q
- slider-crank mechanism
- rack and pinion
- cams and cranks
computation speed should be less than the ability of a robot's speed.
software speed-ups : techniques for increasing the speed of computations in a conventional computer will
be addressed.
i) using integer arithmetic - use integer and avoid use of floating point.
ii) in commercial computing system, trigometric functions are evaluated by several techniques
including rational functions or chebychev polynomial.
- the most appropriate mechanism for computing trigonometic function is by the table
hardware consideration : - distributed computing, the use of several computers interacting in real time to
provide the required computational speed and power, finds an immediate
application in robotics. it is use to perform simple general-purpose computer.
- 2 simple function reading encoder position and computing joint servo error
signals are explained which can be performed using distributed computing.
reading encoder
- rotational speed of joint
- the resolution of the encoder
- the algorithm used for analysing the signals
to minimum set of instruction in any software associated with computer interface to encoder would be
this process require about 5 to 10 us on any computer. 30 percent of the computer resource.
hardware requirement :
Unimate PUMA architecture exemplifies the concept of distribution of joints.
- PUMA architecture which is a separate processor is attache to the input and output
transducers of each joint. this processor maintains current angular position and
velocity for that joint and servos that joint towards a set point provided by the central
processor. the central processor read angular position from the join processor,
computer kinematic transformation, and provide set points to the joint processor.
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
| up | | up | | up | | up | | up | | up | | up |
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
| |
joint 1 joint 2 joint 3 joint 4 joint 5 joint 6 joint 7
where the u is micro, 10X-6..
- the architecture provides simplicity of design and programming, while offloading concurrent control of joints to parallel processors. one processor for each joint. Calculating of kinematic is distribution.
- this scheme distributes the computational burden more uniformly at expense of complex peice of hardware and more complex software.
PUMA architecture replaced by array of processor and common memory because of rapid development of devices with Large Scale Integrations & Very Large Scake Intergrations which suitable to combined with general-purpose computing, can provide tremendous increase in performances.
(for example: AMD 9511 chips provides full 32bit.....)
benefit of LSI/VLSI processors
- fast, repetitive calculations
- easy interface to general-purpose processor's bus system
- direct control by such a processor
control considerations
- control system superviser the robotic system shall be endowed with a number of tools provided the following function
- capability of moving pshysical objects
- capability of obtaining information
- capability of exploiting information to modeify the sytem behaviour in a preprogrammed manner
- capability of storing, elaborating and providing data on system activity
- supervision of several activity levels arranged in hierarchical structure.
- hierarchical structure is supposed to flow down from the top, from reporting is inteded to flow up from the bottom.
- the lower levels of strucutre are oriented to physical motion execution, higher level of structure oriented to a
logical action planning.
3 functional modules at each level.
- sensory modules
: sensory data management to acquire, elaborate, correlate and integrate sensory
- modeling modules
: to provide knowledge of relevant world
- decision modules
: decide the policy of the action
hierarchical decomposition
- advanced machine system is run due to hierarchical decomposition, from high-level task to low-level of actions, and from low-level tasks to high-level task, the system has 2 hierarchical structure, top-bottom hierarchy of control and bottom-up hierarchy of status.
robot programming
a) online programming
b) offline programming
c) robot oriented programming
d) task-level programming