Thursday, 3 March 2011

03 March 2011, Tired & Busy's Day, 08.38 pm

Today is good and bad day to me....haha

Finally, i can smile to myself for small confident~

I doing my best to write programming for our final project, but still have many thing unsolved~

Tonight I stay at my hometown and tomorrow will go back to my HOSTEL to continue our project.......

GOOD DAY, because I could afford my body from sleeping because tiredness,

I think another person will think that I'm CRAZYZZZZ, but  I will felt satisfactory after done all job

That's me, who like to strive for some things, that's what people said I was very Stubborn!!!!
 BAD DAY!!!! ARGHH, got 3 assignments to go within 3 days, PROGRAMMING, 


Sometimes I think that got things to do is Happiness although WAS TIRED~

Slept 4 hours EVERYDAY~ still attending class and playing sportS

I think I must stop exercises 1st~ Halleluyah~

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