Friday, 4 March 2011

05 March 2011,Morning in the dark emo 07.55pm

WHY?I don't want to dream about you~

you have boyfriend and still no tell me, why?

Why you choose another boy? the boy tackle make u feel so siok?

I everyweek want go find you , you also busy!!!!WTF???why?

I presented you one piece of cake coz i can't find the apple ipod for you

but the another boy buy you simple mp3, you like it very much? WHYYYYYY?

I wonder why everything I do for you, you just think still not enough just see on your face~

you always say thank you but not I love you, and at we arguing you just said you very love me!!!!

WTF? making film? your fake speech let me cannot trust you anymore~

I hate you let yourself happy with ur boyfriend and me now alone with heart bleeding!!You Monster!!!


I'm tired about sad~I'm too sad to knew the truth,haiz......

Why everything I do until the best but don't have reward for me, God you's so selfish!!!!

is me stupid or nobody know my sacrifice?? my hot temper because everytime some make laugh at me too over?

they are so stupid!!! make laugh at me too over, said me until so sohai and stupid!

look at themself, inside of him/ her only doing something that people angry only, NO BRAIN!!!!

I can't accept people who look at cover and not heart!!

GO TO HELL all of them

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