tell me wat is life? wat is success? wat is failure? wat is happy? wat is sadness?
i suddenly feel that wat u learn today and wat u do good for future but when it come to the end, it is ntg to this world~life, finding something to show u r the happiest, successful, valuable and simplest human in this world!
After showing ur knowledges and using them, u gain what u want and loss what u dont want and wanted~ that is no perfect in this world~after knowing how to master a matter, we inspire ppl who at beside us, for wat?because we want ppl to follow us or show that we r wat we r...
human being, one personality is depend on a family background, if he poor and hardworking, he will try to earn money~ if he/she simple and normal life, he/she try to have higher education or do work, if he is rich and busy, he/she good in relationship and earn money, different kind of family background give different type of personality,so we cannot judge people at all~
i feel like everyone trying to gain simplest,happiest and successful life~everyday must try hard without cost, some of us will easily tired, find frens to go out or go travel, depend on what he wanted when he/she wanted the most, dream!human being is very special, sometimes will very kind but will cruel sometimes, sometimes will very bad but good to wife~depend on family background, important is that we can find someone can accept us and capable to our life~ don't ever live at someone's shadow, follow the lifestyle of anothers he/she envy,it make him/her go crazy after few years later~
after see different kind of things in life, we changed because we will try to accept the things in our brain~old man is wise because they involve many things in life and understand something that young one cannot~young man will try to find a solutions for 1 problem, making the youth more active and strong! clever ppl also using time to control their life, the rest will let the time control their life~
many thing i understand but i dont know how to use it, it become useless~not because i cant, is only my mindset is not high and my brain need some training, because i dono what i want in this life~ i not materialism and communicator, i jst want love one to stay with me to enjoy life, everyone got their own dream to go!dare to dream!dare to change ur life!
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