Saturday, 31 December 2011


原動力when someone hurt me it will come~i know why my diploma result so good, everyday think of want fight back and get back what i want~

原動力 is when i studying oso can think of someone who hurt me~let me can move on in 10000000% rate of fighting heart!!

yesterday i feel hurt again, 原動力is coming in ump final exam!! i gonna get 4.0!!! i gonna build one robot when holiday!! i gonna become stronger!!!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

26/12/2011 sure not me~nobody can lock someone on their hand

i need to release myself from love story, after 1 year of no gf~ pls release myself, i accept myself and forgive myself......

I will have exam after 1 week from today, i want to accept my face is not healthy but my heart is healthy, i promise i will always smile although i know ppl dislike to see my scar face...i accept that i have healthy body and replace my face....

i accept that ellice is not write blog about me~i let myself to be ok to know that i lose my love from her...because already too long from nw....i accept that nobody gonna find me get back my love....i accept that i really can make a fren with smile only if i can meet her...i accept that i let go of love anymore...

my broken heart is recovered since i everyday see on the mirror that reality~i accept that my heart is full of missing her and full of high ambition.....i still have many way to go~i got many step to go before i success..

everything start with zero at here....i dont have my own life yet until i finished my study after 4 years...the world will change a lot when i come out, so i also need to change the way of thinking

i accept that i always think of sex, so i need to change let myself to understand that helping ppl is good thing, not because of benefit sometimes.... is about helping someone who really need help, i accept that i will have big problem on this process, try to control myself!!!!

world have changed after diploma, penang working, and come to pahang to study, i cannot using old thinking to work out everything...i need to overcome myself and love myself.... got many things don't have reason to do, and don't have benefit to do, follow my goal and change my heart feeling...

i sometimes will miss her and if got chance again, i never let go, i wait for chance or i can keep going on if i don't have chance at all.... but nw i think is no chance at all....

i think i changed a lot but is too late to get back to her side anymore....ppl will changed after losing something...

Saturday, 17 December 2011


i got one frens play from small until big!!tada!hahaha,surprise leh.... she very beauty d lo,want her phone number?

i think she know me very well, we are fren since i was 5 years old~haha, she was clever and beauty, but she already went to Leeds university to study Lawyer course~cool!

today is her birthday 18/12/2011~ hope she can get a boyfren la!! wish her boyfren can be perfect person such as LEEHOM (because she like LeeHom like hubby!)haha

good luck to us to continue this relationship although our distance at far far away~ (I got 1 fren nw at Qatar helping his uncle to build international airport !!!) cool oso

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


ohhh~my university girl mostly ady got bf before come in, making single man become disappointed (ohh~)

that's why they will defend their self so strong so that no boy can tackle them.... maybe they're have strong relationship....i always the slowest to know that girl like another or understanding girl real attitude, because woman can be very kind to u in front of me but actually they using fake heart, not same like guy........

I started to wonder my family why still don't have any cousins or my sisters have patner? 8 of us only got 1 cousin got bf (although i think the boy very suck because no good in making relationship with others)

maybe all too focus on studying and working i guess...all are expert, that's why i also try my best to work out to become high skilled and knowledgeable guy in future (i know after 10 years my life will change from one kopitiam crazy kid become consultant or boss)....high ambition, childish but because of my childish making me can overcome any fear or dare to imagine any difficult that people cannot withstand...

okok, one of my cousin was secretary of very big company with high salary (no bf) and hold MBA, my cousin was study Phd master in International Law in Tokyo University (next year ady finish)(no bf), my older sister who was ACCA holder with high salary (no bf), my cousin who was consultant of engineering firm with high salary oso (no gf), me study bachelor degree in  mechatronic engineering at University Malaysia Pahang (Najib University,lol) (no gf), my younger sis study as teacher (no bf), my cousin who study diploma in computer sains, pro in computer field(really very pro,dude) (no bf)!!!!!

what's going on this world huh, those ppl are expert ady but still dont have patner!! problem!!! maybe we all don't know how to engage and hold one patner~ GOD, what is ur plan with those guys?

i saw one of my college fren facing some experiences almost same with me, very sad very sad cases on gf..... but he looks funny and steady, making conclusion for this, funny guy always have some own story that always super sad than nobody can understand~

tonight i can't sleep because i dreamed of some dream (i forget ady), and cannot sleep, thinking why i still don't have gf? i nervous because everyone around me ady got gf and bf ady......think think think, i got cars, houses, money(really is my own property)..... face very suck but not geli and i can do lovely to my gf...... then why i dont have gf?? i had strong muscle but not big body, i not gonna scold ppl unless was too nonsense, i can handle any pressure and i won't complain unless i cannot withstand that people (mostly is lanci ppl and when call to work also very losers)

sad...i oso dono where is my problem....if i know then i dont need stuck at this status....actually got one senior like me, but i using my feeling and my feeling tell me i don't want this relationship (1989 and 1990 relationship),ok?

where is the love? i dont believe in yuan feng because i know all kind of yuan feng was made from human action.....!!! i get it ady, maybe i had less action and always stay with boys, then don't have space or time to chat with girl.....i need to have action!!!!but 1st, i need to study my book 1st to get 4.0 for 1st semester, lol!!!!

endless thought, i can write whole day without stopping because my writing speed same with my mind thought, can write anything that i think of, good night~

Cybertron team - Line Following Robot Pahang Malaysia University 2011

yeah~this's time i write down how to do line following robot using PIC and own sensor + C++ programming, there are about 30 teams join this competition before study week....

1st of all, I found zinc material as body structure, using IR transmitter and receiver as sensor, and PIC18f4550 and sealed lead acid 12v 1.2 Ah, geared motor 103 rpm and 100 torque.

the design of circuit are randomly, just hope that it can operate well and there are no problem (but actually in last days of preparation I faced motor driver wiring solder not so well causes malfunction, but later it's ok :) )

another photo is my design of circuit include L293DNE and  MC74HCT14AN~ my circuit  putting LM7805 to make the voltage 5volt constantly. and this is simplest circuit to make line following robot just following the ports that prepare from PIC18F4550~(actually i want do USB interface but because lack information and skill on programming so i cancel the USB interface ady~)

I'm using RA0 - 7 to use as output (motor) and RB0 - 7 use as input (sensor), i using 2 IR sensors and 2 motor so is 4 output for move the body of structure. then power supply area is 12V change to 5V so that PIC18f4550 and MC74HCT14AN got supply of 5V. L293DNE use 12V as power supply as geared motor so that the motor can run with maximum speed (although it can run more faster with higher voltage but it will damaged very fast.)

Next, come to body design. we are proud of our robot's body because it had won "Best Design Engineering" in this competition. I dont have the completed part of photo but I captured the body after the competition.

hope our robot's design didn't disappointing to readers :), our robot was designed by Liew Khee Yan (I encouraged him to think of strong design so that we can win the prize and we did it !!) by draft paper that i estimate all the measurement of robot so that the holes and parts can join together perfectly.

using zinc material to do body (I want to find aluminum material but it cost highly and the material is not easily been bent) and the base is zinc that harden, the upper parts actually are low strength of zinc material so that I can easily bent the material to become parts :).

the result come out such as the picture at below:

 then come to sensor part, the circuit for ir sensor show at below(simplest circuit for ir sensor :) ):

The operation of circuit is give supply 5 Volt to IRED and IR receiver so that IRED can convert electric current into infrared out and ir receiver to receive the infrared to let current flow through ir receiver. we can put one wires between ir receiver and 47 k ohm so that when ir receiver didn't receive infrared red, the current flow through the signal wires in 5 volt; when ir receiver receive infrared red, the voltage will flow in parallel through ir receiver and signal wires so that signal in low voltage (my measurement show voltage in 1V which is lower than 4 volt).

I placed the sensor in front of robot to detect the white area, the dimension of black line is 3cm width and 1.11m length. placed the sensor about 3-3.5cm so that it detect the white area; my program write down when sensor detect black line, the motor will turn left/right to make it take a turn

example of my program using PIC C Compiler and melab programmer to interface the program into PIC.

#include <18F4550.h>                  //define PIC library file here
#fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,NOLVP      //define protection function
#use delay(clock=4000000)           //define oscillation frequency

#DEFINE  CCP1         PIN_C1
#DEFINE  CCP2         PIN_C2
#define  motor1_cw    PIN_A3         // LET PIN_A0 MEAN CLOCKWISE ROTATION (RIGHT MOTOR)
#define  motor1_ccw   PIN_A2        // LET PIN B1 MEAN ANTI-CLOCKWISE ROTATION
#define  sensor1      PIN_B2

void main()                         //main program starts here

/*local variable*/

/*Port Initialize*/

setup_timer_2 (T2_DIV_BY_4,254,1);
setup_ccp1(ccp_pwm);                   //PIC 16 TO L293D 1    
setup_ccp2(ccp_pwm);                  //PIC 17 TO L293D 2
set_tris_a (0X00);                   // SET RA TO BECOME OUTPUT
set_tris_b (0Xff);                  // SET RB TO BECOME INPUT

output_a (0X00);
output_b (0xFF);

//main program
delay_ms (100);                    //delay 2 second for user to left the competition

OUTPUT_HIGH(PIN_B0);                        // EN_1 & EN_2 high //

OUTPUT_low(PIN_A2);                       //FORWARD RIGHT MOTOR
OUTPUT_high (PIN_A3);

SET_PWM1_DUTY(180);                        // SPEED OF MOTOR

OUTPUT_high(PIN_A0);                       //FORWARD LEFT MOTOR
OUTPUT_low (PIN_A1);

SET_PWM2_DUTY(180);                        // SPEED OF MOTOR


OUTPUT_LOW  (PIN_A2);                       //forward left MOTOR
OUTPUT_high (PIN_A3);

SET_PWM1_DUTY(170);                        // SPEED OF MOTOR

OUTPUT_low(PIN_A0);                       //stop right MOTOR

SET_PWM2_DUTY(180);                        // SPEED OF MOTOR


else if(!input(PIN_B3))
OUTPUT_low (PIN_A2);                     //stop left motor
OUTPUT_low  (PIN_A3);

SET_PWM1_DUTY(170);                        // SPEED OF MOTOR

OUTPUT_high (PIN_A0);                       //forward right MOTOR

SET_PWM2_DUTY(180);                        // SPEED OF MOTOR


else if(!input(PIN_B2) && !input(PIN_B3))


that's it for my line following robot, we cybertron team took photo as memories we are 1 team to compete opponent with our best!! ><

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

bigbang - love song

TOP) One woman is becoming disaster
Even though a man is still singing

I’m tearing up at the thought of break up
(Daesung) I can’t touch you, I know yeah eh
I’m falling, catch me (hello)

(GD) I hate this love song… I hate this love song..
I hate this love song… I hate this love song.. x2

(Taeyang) I hate this love song, I’ll never sing it again
So I can stop thinking of you, so I can finally forget you

(Seungri) I hate this love song, I’m going to sing it with a smile
In order to cure your loneliness, I’m going to you now
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-hoo

(GD) I’m scared, this world is meaningless
Take me to where you are, a place with the moon and stars

(Daesung) We were so beautiful, you know
You taught me what love was, hello

(Taeyang) I hate this love song… I hate this love song..
I hate this love song… I hate this love song..

(GD) I hate this love song… I hate this love song..
I hate this love song… I hate this love song..

(Taeyang) I hate this love song, I’ll never sing it again
So I can stop thinking of you, so I can finally forget you

(GD)  I hate this love song, I’m going to sing it with a smile
In order to cure your loneliness, I’m going to you now
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-hoo

(TOP) The warm rays of the sun are of another world
The field of reeds are dancing all alone
I remain paused at a green hill, holding a conversation I’ve yet to finish with her

The sky is of an expressionless face that holds no answers
You’re probably hiding behind the clouds, you’re probably a star

(GD) I close my eyes and feel your breath, I dream of you
A smile spreads across my lips, you’re breathing with me now
Time, please stop, don’t divide her and I
Wind, stop blowing, this is my last letter to you

(Taeyang)  I hate this love song, I’ll never sing it again
So I can stop thinking of you, so I can finally forget you

(Seungri)  I hate this love song, I’m going to sing it with a smile
In order to cure your loneliness, I’m going to you now

Monday, 12 December 2011


i won best design in line following robot ump 2011~so i not happy at all~nobody celebrate with me T.T

why?i think all people only remember ppl bad but not ppl good~ can i hug someone to cry about my loneliness?

i really hope i can get someone who love me~i not liers, i jst less talk with others only!that's me, always less talk, dont misunderstand i dont want chat with u all, ok?

many girl at here dont want chat with me at facebook.....what happen?i don don don understand........i not liar and wont hurt u all~why dont want talk with meT.T, i start to hate girl and prefer frens~ can i find some of girl that really take care of me? but not my money and my career at all~i can do thing that most of all people dono do~i strong but nobody understand me...... sometime strong ppl must come out to fight for glory so that girl will come......i jst dont want fight with another and make fren, if i fight with all, i can get the best with my knowledge~