I saved back my ex-gf hand-phone number~I think I already forgive her for anything but wouldn't contact her anymore, that's all, not big deal~
Studying motor control and feel bored,so come and write this f blog, lol~
let's post my final project:
Red BULL autonomous Sumobot (placed at 4th)
Processor:- ET-BASE Basic Stamp 40P
Sensors:- 4 X EE-SPY402 Amplified Photomicrosensor for line detection,
2 X Sharp IR sensor Sharp GP2Y0A21YK for object detection
2 X Sharp IR sensor Sharp GP2Y0A21YK for object detection
Power source:- Rechargeable battery 12V
Motors:- 2 X DC Gear Motor 20RPM 12VDC
Motor Driver:- 2 X 10 A Motor Driver Cytron
Analogue-Digital converter:- ADC 0831 8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options
Size:- 20 cm X 18.5 cm X 11 cm
Weight:- 20.045 kg
Material for plate:- Tin plated steel
Software:- Basic Stamp Editor v2.5
Files that can download is our team simple programs for checking sensors, engaging motor, and completed:
Galleries after our competitions at below~hehe
best design of sumo robot~ transformer
Team's members and our lecturer of project~ ( above)
No slept at all to prepare, after competition then we all slept like pig~lol