Thursday, 31 March 2011

01/04/2011,April fool!!!,Friday,12.06 pm

I saved back my ex-gf hand-phone number~I think I already forgive her for anything but wouldn't contact her anymore, that's all, not big deal~

Studying motor control and feel bored,so come and write this f blog, lol~

let's post my final project: 
Red BULL autonomous Sumobot  (placed at 4th)

Processor:- ET-BASE Basic Stamp 40P
Sensors:-  4 X EE-SPY402 Amplified Photomicrosensor for line detection,
                 2 X Sharp IR sensor Sharp GP2Y0A21YK for object detection
Power source:-  Rechargeable battery 12V 
Motors:-  2 X DC Gear Motor 20RPM 12VDC
Motor Driver:-  2 X 10 A Motor Driver Cytron
Analogue-Digital converter:-  ADC 0831 8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converter with Multiplexer Options
Size:-  20 cm X 18.5 cm X 11 cm
Weight:-  20.045 kg
Material for plate:-  Tin plated steel
Software:-  Basic Stamp Editor v2.5

Files that can download is our team simple programs for checking sensors, engaging motor, and completed:
  1. Program.bsp
  2. check omron sensor.bsp
  3. check motor driver.bsp
  4. ADC Check Value.bsp

Galleries after our competitions at below~hehe
best design of sumo robot~ transformer

Team's members and our lecturer of project~ ( above)
 No slept at all to prepare, after competition then we all slept like pig~lol

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

30/03/2011, Wednesday, lovely Rainny day~, 12.53 a.m

omg....suck Exam table coming out~ starting to engage!!

20.4.2011 J5200 Power Transmission Mechanism  8.30-10.30a.m
20.4.2011 B5001 Mathematics 5                               2.30-4.30p.m
21.4.2011 E5143 Motor Control                               2.30-4.30p.m
25.4.2011 E4161 Computer system                           2.30-4.30p.m
 this semester having 4 subjects only~ but all of them don't have 
modules but references to study only

Thursday, 24 March 2011

24/03/2011, Thursday, 07.43pm

Last night I with my friends go to cinema to watch "Men suddenly in loves"

very funny and horny, gosh~ Embarrassing  to watch this movie with girl

Sorry~ then later we go play snooker and pool, 

enjoyable day, we also play badminton at every Monday and Wednesday~ 

Hope that this kind of life can last long ><, left 1 month only to

Take care you guys 

Monday, 21 March 2011

22/03/2011,Tuesday, Cloudy Day, 07.40am

finally I'm had made decision that I gonna work for 4 month 1st

then just see next step gonna do what, if Universities reply me, then
I will move on to University or paying high fee to private university

Multimedia University? quite hard for me to graduate at there, lol
now my college life come to an end, 21 years old already,

what i'm supposed to do now? I go for trip Taiwan at November
planning and preparing, after Taiwan, I think is time to consider

about money~ now I have dozen of money in fixed deposit, not 
enough but already can marry already.... lol~

I think it's will be long way for me married, because of my temper
and those girls always say "bu liao jie wo", it mean

you don't understand me in Mandarin~ I'm not god, I just know 
how's your attitude and your pattern at life only, that's all,

even twins also cannot understand what's her/his thought.......
I now reading Dan Brown - Angels and Demons

about 50 pages only, describe some religious with Santanic like that, 
A new world order @.@, so devil to read the book, haha

I read those old book in bestseller~because I don't like to read 
before that, inspired by my family members~

Friday, 18 March 2011

19/03/2011, Satursday, Sunny Day about 29 degree, 09.08am

Today's talk about my darkness~ Emo+ing,lol
 After April I will having new life, graduated from my College,
Still haven't idea what I gonna do, work or jobless to wait the reply of Universities~
My head got 3 type of thinking, career, love and myself~I think all human also same? lol~normal human
3 of them in my reality still not enough, still need to keep up~write this blog not for showing how was my life but used to express my emotion~
 forgive myself for today~I had done what i need to do, god bless me, just sometimes tired about life~
I'm not super human, I knew that since I was kid, before I born to this world

my brain had damaged cause by less oxygen at my brain when coming out, making me a bit stupid~ lol, told by my mom~
but I will try to achieve something that I was desired from God~i had my advantages to walk through this world~

I was more brave than any people, loyalty, achieve something without stopping it~

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

17/03/2011, Thursday, Study weekend, 02.33pm

Today's I not going back to my hometown 

stay at my hostel to study mathematics about hyperbolic function,

trigonometric function, integration function, implicit differentiation, 
and partial differentiation~ WTH

In this weekend, I'm gonna alone at dark room to study because all fellows go back own hometown 

gonna find people to hang out for a while or else I will Crazy~

Less talk and do more~go back to my table study~

Monday, 14 March 2011

15/03/2011, Talk about Japan Earthquake 8.9, pray for them~, 09.59am


         This blogger ( above link )said about the radioactive leakage in Japan~ very interesting to read , and I admit that what he had researched with after Japan nucleus station had explosion is quite clear to read and many information found on this blog.

          After disaster, Japan estimated about from yesterday Google News at over 10,000 people have died, it's was chaos for Japanese but they still remained calm with watching the gallery from internet that they lined up to take aid of food, drinks and another aid, it was shocking another countries government and people, we shall learned from them about the tolerance and spirit of Japan~ very rare to see non-panic people after Tsunami hitting own country and earthquake in anytime. 

          My cousins who lived at Japan said that they still shaking neither Days nor Night~ very nervous when heard it~ they're safe and no hurting was the best news that I ever heard in this few days~

         Yesterday news wrote that food in Japan government was doing scanning on the food and drinks carefully because don't want to have lists of people who have affected by radiation in future, there will be a long way for them to take care own bodies from radiation~

PRAY FOR THEM, Japan showed that Japanese are strong warriors after earthquake 8.9 level. 3rd nucleus station just blast after I wrote down this post about 5 minutes~OMG to them

Sunday, 13 March 2011

14/03/2011, Starting a New Day~, 09.33 am

Using Autocad 2007 to draw it~ try to improve my drawing skill because

is important to engineering student~ later post the final project competition video clip 

as I promised~ lol

Good luck to all of you~

13/03/2011, Cloudy Day with warmth heart, 5.00pm

Today is a nice day to me, whether you are not or same,

the fact that I had ended the tiredness project and reckon that only left for me to do REVISION,
it's time to study and only remaining 1 month to get 4.0 for 4 subjects,

just like before at semester 5, today I had read 'Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows'
very meaningful book not because the fascinate of the story ,
but the morals that let readers to read, 

next book i gonna to read is 'Angel and Demon'
my house was filled with books, so I will read all of them, hehe

Thursday, 10 March 2011

10/03/2011, ResT Day, 07.15pm

Hurray~!!! Our final project success~

Yesterday SUMO ROBOT going well in the competitions, there are many viewer and lecturer come and see

actually our sumo robot is the most hard experiences to us, It cannot move before 4 hours to start the GAME~~

OMG, another worst experiences after my practical training, but I had learnt many things after this~

maybe I sunday will post our sumo robot matches to let you all see~ Hurray!!!

Monday, 7 March 2011

07/03/2011, Busy's Day, 09.08 pm

Left 2 more day our class will need to have to competitor with each other,

and ever the tired and busy day come to the end after wednesday!!!

And I will have a new life~ try to improve myself again and again,

Every time I see my friend become rich and success.....

It's make me to encourage myself for improve and train myself

read books, try to meet new people, listening to another people thinking and knowledge,

Is my status already have reached limit? try so hard to find and find solution...

maybe i need to upgrade myself more faster and effective no matter how hard was that gonna happen on me

Hardworking doesn't proved that I can reach what i dreamed of, 

Need to do in Smart ways and without complaining~

Believe in myself to move on~~~~

Friday, 4 March 2011

李玖哲 Nicky Lee 不愛了

this song is my love story, can someone come and love me pls?

i need love~ ahahah

05 March 2011,Morning in the dark emo 07.55pm

WHY?I don't want to dream about you~

you have boyfriend and still no tell me, why?

Why you choose another boy? the boy tackle make u feel so siok?

I everyweek want go find you , you also busy!!!!WTF???why?

I presented you one piece of cake coz i can't find the apple ipod for you

but the another boy buy you simple mp3, you like it very much? WHYYYYYY?

I wonder why everything I do for you, you just think still not enough just see on your face~

you always say thank you but not I love you, and at we arguing you just said you very love me!!!!

WTF? making film? your fake speech let me cannot trust you anymore~

I hate you let yourself happy with ur boyfriend and me now alone with heart bleeding!!You Monster!!!


I'm tired about sad~I'm too sad to knew the truth,haiz......

Why everything I do until the best but don't have reward for me, God you's so selfish!!!!

is me stupid or nobody know my sacrifice?? my hot temper because everytime some make laugh at me too over?

they are so stupid!!! make laugh at me too over, said me until so sohai and stupid!

look at themself, inside of him/ her only doing something that people angry only, NO BRAIN!!!!

I can't accept people who look at cover and not heart!!

GO TO HELL all of them

Thursday, 3 March 2011

03 March 2011, Tired & Busy's Day, 08.38 pm

Today is good and bad day to me....haha

Finally, i can smile to myself for small confident~

I doing my best to write programming for our final project, but still have many thing unsolved~

Tonight I stay at my hometown and tomorrow will go back to my HOSTEL to continue our project.......

GOOD DAY, because I could afford my body from sleeping because tiredness,

I think another person will think that I'm CRAZYZZZZ, but  I will felt satisfactory after done all job

That's me, who like to strive for some things, that's what people said I was very Stubborn!!!!
 BAD DAY!!!! ARGHH, got 3 assignments to go within 3 days, PROGRAMMING, 


Sometimes I think that got things to do is Happiness although WAS TIRED~

Slept 4 hours EVERYDAY~ still attending class and playing sportS

I think I must stop exercises 1st~ Halleluyah~

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

02 March 2011, Busy's Day 12.45pm

Today's I had applied local Universities, my heartbeat faster than I sit for SPM,

What will happen next? I graduated from Polimas (diploma in Mechatronic),

and enter local U? or going for work? or going private U?

Again, I cannot foreseen my future and manage my things not well.......

Last night slept at 4 a.m and still need to continue on Programming to my SUMO ROBOT

4 assignments, 2 presentations , and 1 tutorial, final project reports~

What's a damn nice days in this few weeks~ after wrote down blog and I will continue to do do do~

 one more important thing, I still one person in relationship, I was a guy that cannot stand for lonely...

People will always said " Single Is Good, bla bla bla~", they just say nonsenses, Two better than one after all

hope that everything will going under my controls , I must keep on my studies and attitudes~

Good luck to myself~

01 March 2011, Cloudy Day 5.03pm

Today's 29 February 2011 for 2011

Happy Birthday, Sister Chan Loo Pei, lol

Congratulation to her for getting ACCA 17papers passed

but still need 2 years working experiences for qualify to ACCA license,

Proud of you, and hope that you can more brave after your "birthdays"!!

Haha, quite funny to your personalities~

You can made it to pass all papers but don't have nut to go Singapore for apply work~

hope that you have 1st BF and treating you well in future

Today's is about your day~Good Luck